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2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Stockoems, a significant milestone that calls for celebration. It started with theribbon-cutting ceremony, which was hosted by our compa-ny's founders and senior leaders, marking the beginning of anew chapter for Stockoems. Speeches were also delivered by thecompany founders, summarizing the achievements of the past20 years and sharing our vision for the future. Over the past player in our industry, overcoming numerous challenges andseizing opportunities along the way.


To celebrate the 20th anniversary, Stockoems also preparedsome interesting outdoor activities for all employees. Wenot only enjoyed a refreshing kayaking experience on thelake, taking in beautiful natural scenery, but also experi-enced the joy of cycling along designated scenic routesand enjoyed the fresh air. Stockoemss 20th anniversary wascelebrated in a vibrant and enjoyable outdoor setting, fos-tering friendships and enhancing team spirit!

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Mon 11/21 - Wed 11/23: 9 AM - 8 PM
Thu 11/24: closed - Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri 11/25: 8 AM - 10 PM
Sat 11/26 - Sun 11/27: 10 AM - 9 PM
(all hours are Eastern Time)



