This IS220PDIAH1A Discrete Input Pack is protected on a circuit basis through conformal styles of PCB coating applied to the entire base circuit boards of the Mark VI Series PCB found in this I/O Pack.
The IS230TRLSH2B is a reliable terminal board by GE-FANUC, designed for industrial automation and turbine control, offering efficient signal processing, seamless integration, and enhanced system performance in demanding environments.
The IS230SNRLH2A is a high-performance digital output module by GE-FANUC, designed for industrial automation and turbine control, ensuring reliable operation, seamless integration, and enhanced system efficiency
IS230JPDMG1B is a Power Distribution (JPDM) Board manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the Mark VIe Series used in GE Distributed Control Systems
Pack IS220YDOAS1A from GE Industrial is used to help provide electrical interfaces for a discrete output terminal board and up to two I/O Ethernet networks.
This IS220PPROH1A printed circuit board product offering from General Electric is an interesting product within the trusted automated industrial retailer's greater Mark VI Turbine Control System Series
The IS220PRTDH1AD is a high-performance RTD input module designed for industrial control systems, offering accurate temperature measurements and reliable data processing.
The IS220PTCCH1A is a thermocouple input module developed by General Electric, designed specifically for integration within the Mark VI and Mark VIe control systems.
This IS220PVIBH1A Vibration Monitor I/O Pack printed circuit board product offering from General Electric was originally designed and manufactured specifically for placement in the Mark VI Turbine Control System Series